
Pokemon XY Fan Series Episode 27

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Literature Text

Episode 27: Reflection Cave


After we trained last night with Korrina and Lucario with my Riolu and Hawlucha since we spent all day at the Sky Batlle Facility, we are now heading to Reflection Cave.

Bonnie: Is this it?

Samantha: (Looks at her phone) Yep. That’s Reflection Cave!

Ash: And once we get through Reflection Cave, It’ll be time for Sherman and my Gym Battle with Korrina!

Korrina: Don’t forget, Ash. You and Sherman will soon battle Mega Lucario! (Lucario agrees as he nods at Riolu, who nodded in understanding)

(Flashback to last night after training/Pokemon POV & Human POV)

Riolu: Lucario? (Lucario looks at Riolu) I’m happy that I get to train with you and all.

Lucario: Yeah.

Riolu: You and Korrina taught me, Sherman, and Buizel with variety, such as battling, getting along together more, and me evolving soon.

Lucario: Well. Remember our training and you’ll do great battling my Mega self. (Riolu looks at Lucario) Korrina promised Ash and your trainer to battle Mega Lucario. (Riolu felt uncomfortable)

Buizel: (Walks up to Riolu and Lucario) Something wrong?

Lucario: I told Riolu that I’ll be in Mega Lucario at the Shalour Gym, and Riolu felt really uncomfortable. I don’t really want to pressure him or anything.

Riolu: It’s okay. (Lucario and Buizel look at Riolu) I’ll take you on Lucario, whether you’ll be in Mega Evolution or not.

Buizel: Are you sure? (Riolu nodded yes before Sherman and his Hawlucha walk up to the 3 Pokemon)

Sherman: (Looks at Riolu) Hey, Riolu. It’ll be alright. My mother always told me that you do your best. (Riolu becomes silent) You don’t have to win all the time. I might not win battles all the time, but what to be expected is to do my best. (Sherman’s Hawlucha puts his hand on Riolu’s left shoulder as Buizel did the same thing to the right before he and Sherman’s Hawlucha sit with Riolu before Sherman sits as well)

Sherman’s Hawlucha: (Sighs) And when my brother battled that lady’s Talonflame, yesterday he gave it his all. Sure, I’m upset that Talonflame defeated my brother, but at least he did his best, although I check on him and see he’s okay. Okay, yes, I battled Talonflame of what happened to my brother, but I can accept the tie since Talonflame wanted to battle Fletchinder after Team Rocket interrupted our battle. I’m sure you’ll do your best.

Buizel: Yeah. Like Sherman and Hawlucha said, we may not win, but we can expect a good battle. We may all not be perfect, but we can be who we are, even if we make mistakes.

Sherman: I was thinking when we get to the Shalour Gym, do you want to participate? (Riolu nodded yes) Alright. I’ll have you and Hawlucha prepared. And maybe train up my other Pokemon in case if Korrina has 3 Pokemon or let me use all of my Pokemon. (Buizel, Sherman’s Hawlucha, and Riolu nod at their trainer) Thank you, Lucario. Both you and Korrina for everything you two have done for us all. (Lucario smiles at Sherman)

(Flashback ends)

Sherman: (Sees Lucario puts his paw on Riolu’s shoulder and nods at Riolu) Yeah. We’ll learn about everything between you, me, Buizel, and all of our friends during our battle with Korrina. (Riolu hugs Sherman’s leg)

Ash: Yeah. Why don’t we get going! (Everyone nod as they went inside the Reflection Cave)

Bonnie: (Checks at the mirror on the wall of the cave) Check it out! It has a mirror in the cave!

Clemont: (Checking at the mirror) Reflection Cave is where the sheer faces of these rock walls reflect the images of people and Pokémon like nature's mirror.

Samantha: (Checking at the mirror) Cool! This place is perfect to look at yourself and see which clothes look good on you and what hairstyle you like!

Serena: (Checking at the mirror) Yeah! It’s also a way of looking your best!

Korrina: I have to agree! Plus, don’t forget we have to get to Shalour City!

Samantha: We know. This cave could be famous for models or people taking selfies! (Pulls out her phone and took a selfie) Alright, let’s go! (Then, Ash and co. start walking through Reflection Cave, but Ash decides to run through the cave)

Serena: Ash, slow down!

Ash: I think I know the way!

Samantha: Ridiculous! We need to stick together, Ash Ketchum, because we have never been here before!

Korrina: Don’t worry. I’ve been here before! Just follow me and we’ll be in Shalour City in no time! (Lucario agrees as Samantha looks at everyone and knew Ash isn’t with them)

Samantha: Ash, where are you!

Ash: (Faraway from his friends, with Pikachu) Another dead end! (Notices Samantha calling him) Sam?

Samantha: Where are you?!

Ash: At a dead end!

Samantha: Sherman, find Ash and bring him back here!

Sherman: You said we need to stick together, you know. (Buizel agrees before Samantha glares at Sherman and Buizel as he groans) Fine! (Finds Ash and Pikachu with Buizel)

Ash: (Who later sees Sherman and Buizel) There you guys are!

Sherman: Sam made me find you. Listen, we need to get back and follow Korrina, because she knows how to get through Reflection Cave.

Ash: I hear you. Let’s go! (He, Pikachu, Sherman, and Buizel later spots a mirror, which opens a portal that has a shy Ash as he grabs Pikachu from the normal Ash’s shoulder and brings him to the mirror world)  What are you doing?! Give Pikachu back! (Jumps through the mirror)

Sherman: Ash! (Buizel becomes shocked as he and Sherman jump through the mirror as well before the portal close as Serena, Samantha, Clemont, Bonnie, Dedenne, Korrina, Lucario, and Riolu were too late to get to the scene)

Korrina: Oh no!

Clemont: Impossible!

Samantha: (Pounds on the mirror) They didn’t even listen! Dammit, dammit, dammit!

Bonnie: Ash and Sherman disappeared into the mirror! (Dedenne chirps up as Riolu worries for Buizel, Sherman, and his fellow teammates before Korrina’s Lucario comforts him)

Samantha: Sherman’s mother is going to kill me if anything happens to him!

Serena: But how can that happen and why?

(Mirror World)

Sherman: Ash, you okay?

Ash: Yeah, I’m fine. I can’t believe that person who looked like me took my Pikachu and ran off!

Sherman: Yeah, I can’t believe it either. (Buizel agrees as he spots a light at the end of the cave and notify Sherman and Ash about it) There’s a light.

Ash: Must be where my look-a-like went. Let’s go. (Then Ash, Buizel, and Sherman ran out of the Reflection Cave, before they were blind for a second because of the light before Ash looks at the trees from outside) Where are we?

Sherman: (Checks up on his phone) The Reflection Cave has two ways to get out, either Route 11 or Shalour City. And since this place isn’t Shalour City, we must be on Route 11. (Buizel agrees as Mirror Samantha appears in the middle of nowhere, hugging Ash and Sherman)

(Note: There will be Mirror Sherman and Mirror Samantha in this episode/chapter. Their personalities will be reverted, or instance, Mirror Sherman is very social and smiles a lot as Mirror Samantha is never angry and is very polite when she talks to people, whether they’re good or not. If you don’t know about the normal Sherman or Samantha, look at their bio: pokemonxylover1998.deviantart.… )

Mirror Samantha: Yay! Family reunion! (Jumps up and down, while hugging Ash and Sherman)

Sherman: Why are you acting like that?

Mirror Samantha: Why am I acting like that? Because I’m happy to see you two again! (To Ash) And so sorry for your battle with Serena, Ash.

Ash: Battle? I didn’t battle Serena.

Mirror Samantha: Well, you kinda did, before Sherman tries to find you. Anyways, I’m glad we got back together again! (Squeals before she sees Mirror Serena) Hello, friend!

Mirror Serena: Never mind the “hello, friend!” (To Ash) Well, well! Ash Ketchum, where have you been? Just because I call you a crybaby before you ran away?

Ash: Crybaby?

Sherman: Run away? What are you talking about?

Mirror Serena: (To Sherman) You’re our leader, you know about this (Points to Ash) mess, right?!

Sherman: Hey, there is no reason to point fingers at Ash. (Buizel agrees)

Mirror Serena: Trying to defend Ash, as always!

Mirror Bonnie: (Runs up to Ash, Sherman, and Buizel) Look, there’s Ash and Sherman! And Buizel, too! (Pets Buizel’s head, who purrs) Good thing you’re not vicious for once.

Sherman: Vicious?

Mirror Bonnie: Yeah, you know your Buizel, right?  He never takes a liking in anyone, including you and bites them or you if he’s petted. (Sherman and Buizel look at each other in confusion before Bonnie calls her big brother) Big brother, dear. We found them!

Ash: Big brother, dear? (Mirror Clemont sprints through and group as he notices that he ran too far before he runs up to Ash and Sherman)

Mirror Clemont: Ash! Sherman! We’ve been searching for you two!

Ash: (Surprised) Wow. I can’t believe you ran fast Clemont!

Mirror Clemont: I am! I’m always the fastest in the group!

Mirror Samantha: (Hearts in her eyes) He’s so dreamy!

Mirror Serena: (Snaps Samantha out before she looks at Ash) Never mind about that! Where’s that Pikachu of yours, Ash Ketchum?!

Ash: Oh yeah! Get this, I saw a person who looks like me snatch Pikachu from me and Sherman, Buizel, and I jumped through the mirror to find Pikachu!

Mirror Serena: (Snickers) What are you talking about?

Mirror Bonnie: Looks like you had a bad dream.

Ash: It’s true! (Sees Mirror Serena, Mirror Bonnie, and Mirror Clemont glaring at Ash before Sherman steps in)

Sherman: Listen, guys! What Ash is saying is true! (Buizel agrees)

Mirror Serena: (Ignores Sherman and looks at Ash) You are different than the crybaby Ash we know! (To Sherman) Is there a reason why you left us to find this crybaby?

Sherman: I was with Ash the whole time, and I never saw Ash cry at all.

Mirror Samantha: I have to agree with him.  (Mirror Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie look at Mirror Samantha) This Sherman isn’t very social or smiles a lot to the Sherman we know, and this Ash isn’t crying a lot like the Ash we know either.

Mirror Clemont: That must be our crybaby Ash is still missing, along with our leader, Sherman, who is trying to find him.

Mirror Samantha: I have heard about a legend. A legend that every mirror in this cave can open up an alternate world.

Ash: Alternate world?

Sherman: That means we jumped through the portal and wind up in the other world. (Buizel agrees)

Mirror Clemont: Correct. There is one thing, but I can’t put my finger into it.

Mirror Serena: Sounds stupid!

Ash: Listen. I don’t think you 4 are the Bonnie, Sam, Serena, and Clemont we know.

Mirror Serena: Hold on! There can be only one me and if anyone pretends to be me isn’t me! How about a tag team battle! If you and Sherman win, then I’ll believe you two!

Mirror Samantha: Most of the times Serena won’t believe in anyone. (Sweatdrops)

Mirror Serena: Sam! Battle alongside me!

Mirror Samantha: For reals?! (Squeals) Yay! A Pokemon Battle! Are you ready you two?

Ash: Alright, bring it on! What do you say, Sherman?

Sherman: (Sighs) Fine.

(Ash, Sherman, Mirror Serena, and Mirror Samantha prepare for battle)

Mirror Serena: Fennekin, come on out!

Mirror Samantha: Let’s have fun, Litleo! (Mirror Serena and Mirror Samantha sent out an aggressive Fennekin and an aggressive Litleo as Sherman and Buizel nod at each other before Buizel runs up to the battlefield)

Ash: Litleo and Fennekin, huh? Froakie, I choose you! (Sent out Froakie from his Poke Ball)

Mirror Clemont: Alright, battle begin!

Mirror Serena: Fennekin, use Flamethrower! (Fennekin shoots Flamethrower at 2 Water Type Pokemon)

Mirror Samantha: Litleo, use your dazzling Ember! (Litleo shoots Ember at the 2 Water Type Pokemon)

Sherman: Buizel, Water Gun on Flamethrower!

Ash: Froakie, use Water Pulse! (Buizel and Froakie shoot their Water Type moves to extinguish the Fire Type Moves)

Mirror Serena: Scratch!

Mirror Samantha: Use your flashy Fire Fang! (Fennekin and Litleo run up to the 2 Water Type Pokemon, using their moves)

Sherman: Buizel, Dig! (Buizel jumps up to dodge Fire Fang as he drills into the ground)

Ash: Froakie, Double Team! (Froakie creates clones of himself)

Mirror Serena: (Shocked) I can’t tell which the real Froakie is!

Mirror Samantha: And where’s Buizel? (Then Fennekin use Scratch on a fake Froakie)

Ash: Bubble! (Froakie shoots Bubble at Fennekin, hitting her and soon be defeated as Buizel pops out of the ground, hitting Litleo before she becomes defeated as well)

Mirror Clemont: Fennekin and Litleo are unable to battle, Buizel and Froakie win!

Ash: Thanks, Froakie! (Froakie nods at Ash before he was sent back into his Poke Ball as Sherman and Buizel nod at each other)

Mirror Samantha: You are wonderful, Litleo. Take a good rest. (Sends Litleo back into her Poke Ball)

Mirror Serena: (Sighs) You did great Fennekin. (Sends Fennekin back into her Poke Ball before she looks at Ash) Well, it looks like I had to believe you two since you guys beat us. (Then Mirror Sherman, Mirror Ash, and regular Pikachu appears in the scene)

Mirror Sherman: C’mon, Ash. You need to come back here. (Guiding Mirror Ash (Holding the normal Pikachu) to Ash, Sherman, and their mirror friends)

Mirror Bonnie: It looks like there are 2 Ashs, 2 Shermans, and 2 Buizels.

Mirror Samantha: Oh my goodness. We were worried. (Smiles) At least you’re a-okay! (Pikachu jumps out of Mirror Ash’s arms and hugs the real Ash)

Ash: Hey, buddy. Glad you’re okay! (Then Mirror Sherman’s Buizel look closely at the real Buizel, while snarling as the real Buizel feels uncomfortable about it before Mirror Buizel made a biting gesture at Sherman’s Buizel, almost biting him and then makes him mad)

Mirror Sherman: (To Sherman) Sorry. My Buizel is feisty. I have an idea. (Smiles) Do you want to battle my Buizel with yours? I would love to battle your Buizel! It’ll be awesome! (To his Buizel) Right? (Mirror Buizel grunts as regular Sherman looks at Ash)

Ash: Go ahead. I would like to see a Buizel vs Buizel match.

Sherman: (Looks at Buizel before he sighs) Fine.

(Later, Sherman, Mirror Sherman, Buizel, and Mirror Buizel start their battle)

Mirror Sherman: Alright Buizel. Water Gun! (Mirror Buizel shoots Water Gun at Buizel)

Sherman: Buziel, dodge, and then Aqua Jet! (Buizel dodges Water Gun and surrounds his body in water before he charges at Mirror Buizel)

Mirror Sherman: Use Ice Beam! (Mirror Buizel shoots Ice Beam at Buizel’s Aqua Jet, freezing him, but the move keeps going as everyone was shocked before Mirror Buizel was hit by a frozen Aqua Jet, then Buizel broke free from the ice)

Ash: Wow, that’s so cool! It’s like the Ice Aqua Jet my Buizel and I did back in Sinnoh!

Sherman: (Looks at Ash, then at the battle, thinking) That’s really unique. Using Aqua Jet and Ice Beam at the same time.

Mirror Sherman: Use Aqua Jet! (Mirror Buizel surrounds himself in water and charges at Buizel)

Sherman: Dig! (Buizel position himself like a drill and goes into the ground as Mirror Buizel stops his Aqua Jet)

Mirror Sherman: Focus on where your opponent is, Buizel. (Mirror Buizel looks carefully at the ground before Buizel pops out, hitting Mirror Buizel before Mirror Buizel is defeated)

Mirror Clemont: Um, Buizel is unable to battle, so the winner is the Buizel from the other world. (Buizel goes back to Sherman and nod at his trainer)

Mirror Sherman: (Smiles) Buizel, you were awesome! (Buizel grunts at his loss as he looks at the real Sherman and Buizel) You have a great Buizel, even if we are alike!

Sherman: Um, yeah. (To Ash) Oh yeah. Hey Ash. You know about Ice Aqua Jet, right?

Ash: Yeah, I actually got it from a friend of mine from Sinnoh.

Sherman: Wow! Never expected that. (Buizel agrees as he is surprised)

Mirror Sherman: You know, that is a cool combination move! (Mirror Buizel nods in agreement)

Ash: By the way, how did that Ash (Points to Mirror Ash) got my Pikachu?

Mirror Sherman: Well, after Ash lost to Serena, she makes fun of him and calls him a crybaby. Ash broke and doesn’t want to be with us anymore and ran away. I glared at Serena for what happened before I went looking for Ash. A few minutes later, I found Ash and Pikachu, but the strange thing is that Pikachu who Ash is holding on is not the Pikachu we know. When we got back, I realized this Pikachu is from Ash from another world. (To Mirror Ash) Ash. Do you have something to say?

Mirror Ash: Yeah. (To Ash) I’m really sorry I took your Pikachu.

Ash: It’s alright. If I may ask, it would be nice if you tell me about your Pikachu.

Mirror Ash: To tell you the truth, my Pikachu’s tough. He’s very wild and aggressive.

Sherman: Do you know where your Pikachu is?

Mirror Ash: Well, I entered the cave, a few minutes later, my Pikachu vanished. I tried looking for him, and when I call Pikachu’s name, the portal opens up and I took Pikachu.

Ash: Well, why don’t we help find your Pikachu!

Mirror Ash: You mean it? Thanks!

Mirror Sherman: See? Friends are always there when you need help!

Mirror Serena: 2 Ashs, 2 Shermans, 2 Buizels, and 2 Pikachus. It’s really crazy.

Mirror Clemont: (Snickers as he completes a ground drawing (A circle with a lightning bolt on it)) I thought we encounter a situation, precisely like this one, I call it the “Magical Direction Finder!”

Everyone (Except Sherman and Mirror Clemont): Magical Direction Finder?

Mirror Clemont: Correct! By dropping the stick at the center of the circle, it can locate where our Ash’s Pikachu is!  (Uses his stick and positions it) Abra-Kadabra! (Drops the stick and points to the north) Ash’s Pikachu is that way!

Mirror Bonnie: Excellent, brother, dear!

Mirror Samantha: You are so smart, I wish I can marry you!

Mirror Clemont: But we are not old enough to get married yet.

Mirror Samantha: I know, but I love your ideas, especially your Magical Direction Finder!

Mirror Clemont: (Blushes) Yeah.

Mirror Sherman: (Smiles) Now that we know, let’s go! (Everyone agree as they head north)

As we head north and walk for a half an hour, we are now on the cliffs, still searching for Mirror Ash’s Pikachu)

Mirror Serena: Now where in the world did Ash’s Pikachu ran off to?

Mirror Clemont: Don’t ask me.

Mirror Bonnie: Even big brother make mistakes.

Mirror Samantha: Maybe he’s playing hide and seek!

Mirror Ash: If I don’t find my Pikachu soon,  . . . (Starts to cry)

Mirror Serena: (Annoyed) Just perfect, here we go.

Ash: Listen, Ash. We’ll find your Pikachu. (Pikachu agrees)

Mirror Sherman: And don’t give up. (Mirror Buizel agrees)

Sherman: You want to see your Pikachu, right? Like we said, we’ll help you. (Buizel agrees as Mirror Ash wipe off his tears before a Thunderbolt came out of nowhere as Buizel notices and push their trainer and friends to safety. Mirror Buizel scolds at Buizel, but Buizel grabs Mirror Buizel’s cheeks and made him look at a person, who is revealed to be Officer Jenny and Manectric)

Ash: Officer Jenny!

Mirror Sherman: Be careful! Officer Jenny is dangerous!

Ash: Dangerous? But she’s an officer.

Mirror Serena: Don’t be fooled. She’s one of the most wanted criminal in the world!

Ash: The most wanted?!

Mirror Officer Jenny: (Evil Smirk) That’s right! You kids shouldn’t mess with adults’ business! (Mirror Ash spots his Pikachu in a capsule)

Mirror Ash: Pikachu!

Mirror Officer Jenny: (Laughs) See, this Pikachu would be excellent into my little collection.

Ash: (Shocked) So what they said about you is true, huh?!

Mirror Officer Jenny: Correct. Manectric, teach them a lesson! (Manectric runs up and use Thunderbolt, before everyone gets out of the way)

Ash: We have to do something!

Mirror Sherman: If I know, Manectric’s ability is LightningRod, meaning Manectric cannot be damaged by electric types, but can boost the Special Attack! (Ash then think up with an idea. Froakie, Fletchinder, and Hawlucha would have no chance against Manectric. He knew his Hawlucha is still injured due to a battle with Moria’s Talonflame yesterday.)

Ash: Pikachu, I choose you! (Pikachu glares at Manectric)

Mirror Officer Jenny: Didn’t you hear what your friends said. My Manectric has LightningRod.

Ash: Yeah, my Pikachu can learn other moves than electric type moves. Pikachu, Quick Attack! (Pikachu runs up quickly as he bashes Manectric)

Mirror Officer Jenny: Foolish child. Quick Attack, too! (Manectric runs faster, as it slams Pikachu harder to the tree)

Ash: Pikachu!

Mirror Officer Jenny: (Smirks) Any one of you like to battle? The more, the merrier.

Mirror Sherman: Sandile, let’s go! (Sends a polite Mirror Sandile out of his Poke Ball as he turns to Sherman) Help me.

Sherman: Right! (Sends his Sandile out as well before Manectric’s Attack stat is lowered twice by Sandile and Mirror Sandile’s ability, Intimidate)

Mirror Officer Jenny: Please. Just because you have ground type Pokemon doesn’t mean you’re gonna win! Quick Attack! (Manectric charges at the Sandile and Mirror Sandile)

Mirror Sherman: Sandile, Mud Slap! (Mirror Sandile uses Mud Slap at Manectric’s eyes, blinding it as he nods at Sherman’s Sandile, who smirks at Manectric)

Sherman: Use Sand Tomb! (Sandile uses Sand Tomb to trap Manectric, damaging it as the sand subsided and Manectric falls to the ground)

Mirror Officer Jenny: Get up, Manectic, and use Quick Attack! (Manectric got mud out of its eyes and bashes Mirror Sherman’s Sandile, slamming him into Mirror Sherman, and then Mirror Ash)

Ash: Are you okay, guys?

Mirror Sherman: (Got up) Yeah.

Mirror Ash: It’s no use. She’s too strong. (Starts to cry)

Mirror Sherman: Hey, crying isn’t going to get you to nowhere!

Ash: He’s right! We haven’t lost yet. There is no reason to give up!

Sherman: If you give up, how would it affect yourself, your friends, or even your Pokemon? (Buizel agrees seriously)

Mirror Ash: (Wipes his tears off) I hear you. (Then Shadow Ball and Night Slash appear out of nowhere, exploding the ground with dust before it clears)

Sherman: Shadow Ball and Night Slash? (Looks at Mirror Team Rocket with Pumpkaboo and Malamar, who are standing on top of the cliff)

Ash: Team Rocket?!

Mirror Jessie: Team Rocket? We’re the Heroes of Justice! What’s with this place is compassionate light!

Mirror James: And goodness and caring with mercy and light!

Mirror Meowth: Heroes of Justice, that’s right! (Mirror Wobbuffet shout out its name)

Mirror Ash and co: The Heroes of Justice! (Mirror Samantha squeals)

Ash: Heroes of Justice?

Mirror Sherman: They’re here to get us out of trouble and beat up bad guys.

Mirror Samantha: I am their number 1 fan! (Squeals)

Mirror Officer Jenny: Not you guys!

Mirror James: Children, leave Officer Jenny to us!

Mirror Jessie: Save your Pikachu! (Then Clemont runs up and grab the capsule that has Mirror Pikachu in it)

Mirror Officer Jenny: No you don’t, Manectric, use Thunderbolt! (Manectric shoots Thunderbolt at Clemont, but was blocked by Mirror Jessie’s Wobbuffet, who uses Mirror Coat as it shoots back at Manectric, who is now defeated as Mirror Officer Jenny sends Manectric into the Poke Ball before Clemont throws the capsule)

Mirror Samantha: Leave this to us! (Sends Mirror Litleo out as Mirror Serena sends out Mirror Fennekin)

Mirror Serena/Mirror Samantha: Use Ember! (Mirror Litleo and Mirror Fennekin shoot Ember as it free Mirror Pikachu from the capsule as he ran to Mirror Ash)

Sherman/Mirror Sherman: Buizel, Water Gun! (Then Buizel and Mirror Buizel use Water Gun, spraying her)

Ash: Ready, Ash?

Mirror Ash: If you say so, Ash!

Ash/Mirror Ash: Pikachu, Thunderbolt! (Pikachu and Mirror Pikachu shoot Thunderbolt at Mirror Officer Jenny, electrocuting and sending her to the air)

Mirror Officer Jenny: I wouldn’t forget this! (Disappears into the sky)

Mirror Samantha: OMG, that is amazing, you guys!

Ash: Thanks!

Mirror Ash: Thank you! (To Ash and Sherman) Thank you guys for helping me, along with my friends and the Heroes of Justice!

Mirror Sherman: Yeah, I appreciate your help! (Mirror Buizel then give a hand to Buizel, who is worried that he’ll get bitten, but Mirror Buizel likes Buizel, as they shook hands together)

Sherman: Speaking of Heroes of Justice, (Sees that the Heroes of Justice is nowhere to be found) where are they?

Mirror Serena: Probably they left. Anyways, you were great!

Mirror Clemont: I hope we continue our journey together, Ash. What do you say?

Mirror Ash: Sure!

After we stop Mirror Officer Jenny with the help of our Mirror friends and Team Rocket, who call themselves the Heroes of Justice, it is now sunset.

Mirror Serena: Well, we should get going. The sun is going to set soon.

Mirror Clemont: Set soon. (Gasps) I figured that out!

Sherman: Figure out what?

Mirror Clemont: I forgot to tell you guys that the legend said that once the sun sets, people and Pokemon from another world can’t go back! (Sherman, Ash, Pikachu, and Buizel are shocked)

Then Ash, Pikachu, Buizel, our friends, and I rushed back into Reflection Cave and stop at a nearby mirror.

Ash: Ever since this mirror starts to waver, the mirror opened up a portal, as we jump through.

Mirror Samantha: My hypothesis is that the mirror connects to our world and your world. (To Mirror Ash) Ash, how did you activate the portal in the mirror?

Mirror Ash: Well, after I left you guys and notice Pikachu’s gone, I said Pikachu’s name and the portal opens. That’s it! I wished really hard, and the portal opens.

Mirror Samantha: So the portal opens when you wish really hard.

Mirror Sherman: You guys wanted to travel with the friends you know, right?

Sherman: Yeah. Ash, Pikachu, Buizel, and I want to keep traveling with our friends.

Mirror Clemont: Alright, you guys. Focus on that thought, and if you guys do it, our world can connect.

Ash: Right, let’s do it guys! (Sherman, Buizel, and Pikachu agree as they and Ash start looking at the mirror carefully) Clemont, Bonnie, Serena.

Sherman: Sam, Korrina, Lucario, Riolu. (Then the portal opens up as Ash, Sherman, Pikachu, and Buizel see Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, Dedenne, Samantha, Korrina, Lucario, and Riolu from the other side)

Ash: It worked! (Pikachu agrees as Riolu was shocked before Buizel yells at Riolu he’s fine)

Serena: There are 2 Ashs?!

Samantha: And 2 Shermans?!

Clemont: 2 of us as well!

Mirror Sherman: Don’t worry about that, we are getting your friend to your world now!

Mirror Samantha: Sam, do you want to travel with Ash and Sherman?

Samantha: Sure. I promise to his mother and I want to continue traveling with him!

Mirror Serena: Get with it Serena, you need to concentrate on how you want to continue traveling with Ash and Sherman! (Serena agrees)

Mirror Clemont: Clemont and Bonnie!

Mirror Bonnie: You guys need to concentrate as well!

Clemont/Bonnie: Okay, we’ll do it! (Then Ash and co., including Korrina, Riolu, and Lucario reach their hand together, and their world is slowly merging.)

Sherman: We’ll have to jump!

Ash: Right, I hear you! (Pikachu agrees as Buizel gets on Sherman’s back before Sherman leaps out of the mirror world before Samantha grabs Sherman’s arm and Riolu grabbing Sherman’s leg. Then Sherman and Buizel finally got back)

Samantha: Thank god you’re safe. (Riolu agrees as he hugged Buizel, crying. Now it’s Ash’s turn, as he had Pikachu under his arm before he leaps out of the mirror world too. When he got his foot on the ground, he is about to slip, as Serena grabs his arm, as Clemont and Bonnie pull Serena while Buizel and Sherman pull Bonnie and Clemont, respectively. Samantha, Korrina, and Lucario help as well as they pull Serena, Sherman, and Buizel, respectively. Then, Ash made it back with the help of his friends)

Ash: (To his real friends, including Korrina and Lucario) Everybody, thank you! (Pikachu thanks them)

Sherman: Thank you guys, too. (Buizel thanks them as well)

Mirror Ash: Hey, Ash. Take care! (Mirror Pikachu waves goodbye, as well as Mirror Buizel and Mirror Dedenne)

Mirror Sherman: Have a safe journey!

Mirror Serena: Serena, take care of your Ash!

Ash: Bye you guys!

Mirror Clemont: Everyone, stay well!

Mirror Bonnie: I hope we’ll meet again!

Clemont: I look forward to it! (Then everyone say goodbye before the portal closes as Ash tap on the glass with his finger)

Bonnie: Wow, the other Bonnie said that I do hope we’ll meet again!

Clemont: It is a possibility. I might make another invention that . . .

Samantha: No, Clemont. While we are waiting for Ash and Sherman, you made an invention before it went haywire and self-destructs.

Sherman: Listen, why don’t we continue traveling together. (Buizel agrees)

Ash: I hear ya. Let’s get to Shalour City!

Korrina: And this time, I’ll lead the way! (Lucario agrees)

Later, we are continuing going through Reflection Cave with a help of Korrina and Lucario.

Sherman: Hey, Sam. Can I talk to you?

Samantha: Sure, what is it?

Sherman: When we run through the Mirror Team Rocket, who calls themselves the Heroes of Justice because they help the mirror friends out of trouble, your mirror self really likes them.

Samantha: What makes you say that?

Sherman: Well, if our Team Rocket would act like that . . .

Samantha: Well, if they would act like that, it would be a problem, plus they would be great help instead of kidnapping Pokemon over and over.

Korrina: You know, it’s kinda sad that I didn’t get to see myself in the mirror world. Maybe one day, I’ll get to see my mirror self! (Then Korrina spots the light) We’re at the end! (Runs to the light as Ash and co. follow her. Once they all got out, it is nighttime, and guess what? Ash and co. finally made it to Shalour City)

Ash: That’s Shalour City, huh!

Korrina: Yep, we finally made it!

Ash: Awesome, soon I’ll battle you and Mega Lucario!

Sherman: Don’t forget me, Ash.

Ash: (Sweatdrop) yeah, sorry.

Korrina: Well, I’ll see you guys tomorrow at the gym! (Lucario nods as he said goodbye to Riolu and Buizel with a handshake as he and Korrina leave the group)

Ash: Bye, Korrina. Bye, Lucario! See you tomorrow! (Pikachu waves goodbye)

Serena: Hey, Ash? (Ash looks at Serena) We’re going to stay together on our journey, right?

Ash: Of course! (Pikachu agrees)

Clemont: We’re a team!

Bonnie: And we’re always going to be a team! (Dedenne agrees)

Samantha: As a matter of fact, we all make a great team together! (To Sherman) Right?

Sherman: Yeah. (Buizel and Riolu agree)

Samantha: Ash, when we get to the Pokemon Center, I need to look at your Hawlucha before you bring him in the gym battle tomorrow.

Ash: Sure thing!

We finally made it to Shalour City. Tomorrow Ash and I will battle Korrina and Mega Lucario for our third Gym Badge.





Pikachu (M): Quick Attack, Iron Tail, Electro Ball, Thunderbolt (Ability: Static)

Fletchinder (M): Flame Charge, Peck, Razor Wind, Steel Wing (Ability: Flame Body)

Froakie (M): Water Pulse, Bubble, Cut, Double Team

Hawlucha (M): Karate Chop, High Jump Kick, Flying Press


Bunnelby (M): Dig, Double Slap, Mud Shot, Double Team

Dedenne (M): Thundershock, Nuzzle, Tackle, Charge

Chespin (M): Pin Missile, Vine Whip, Tackle (Ability: Overgrow)

Tyrunt (M): Stomp, Bite, Ancient Power, Tackle


Fennekin (F): Scratch, Hidden Power, Ember, Flamethrower

Squirtle (F): Tackle, Withdraw, Water Gun, Bubble

Pancham (M): Dark Pulse, Stone Edge, Arm Thrust

Eevee (F): Swift, Protect


Buizel (M): Aqua Jet, Water Gun, Dig, Ice Beam (Ability: Swift Swim)

Treecko (M): Pound, Leer, Absorb, Bullet Seed (Ability: Overgrow)

Riolu (M): Counter, Quick Attack, Force Palm, Copycat (Ability: Inner Focus)

Charmander (M): Scratch, Ember, Smokescreen, Dragon Rage (Ability: Blaze)

Sandile (M): Assurance, Sand Tomb, Bite, Mud Slap (Ability: Intimidate)

Hawlucha (M): Karate Chop, High Jump Kick, Detect, Aerial Ace (Ability: Limber)


Mudkip (M): Tackle, Water Gun, Growl (Ability: Torrent)

Vivillon (F): Psybeam, String Shot, Protect, Stun Spore (Ability: Compoundeyes)

Litleo (F): Tackle, Leer, Ember, Fire Fang (Ability: Unnerve)

Bulbasaur (M): Tackle, Leech Seed, Vine Whip, Razor Leaf (Ability: Overgrow)

Amaura (F): Rock Throw, Aurora Beam, Powdered Snow, Take Down (Ability: Refrigerate)

Korrina (Temporarily Traveling Companion):

Lucario (M): Bone Rush, Power-Up Punch, Metal Sound, Aura Sphere

This is the Episode "The Cave of Mirrors!" but spicing it up a bit. I decided to replace Team Rocket with a bad Officer Jenny. I thought that since Team Rocket's mirror selves are the Heroes of Justice, I thought Officer Jenny in the Mirror World would be the villain. I also added Mirror Sherman and Mirror Samantha as the characters of the day, like the canon Ash and co.'s mirror counterparts. Next up is the Shalour Gym, so don't miss it!

Sherman, Samantha, and their mirror selves go to me as everyone else go to the Pokemon Company

Comment or Fav, if you want.


   • Korrina’s Lucario, Buizel, and Sherman's Hawlucha gave Riolu a pep talk before the gym battle once their trainers get to Shalour City.
   • Ash and Sherman enter the mirrored world after Mirror Ash “stole” his Pikachu.
   • Ash and Sherman meet with their mirrored selves, as well as their mirrored friends.
   • Ash and Sherman battle Mirror Serena and Mirror Samantha and won.
   • After Ash and Sherman got back to their own world, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie, and Samantha meet their mirrored selves briefly before Ash and co. say goodbye to their mirrored selves.
   • Sherman and his Buizel battle against their mirrored selves and won.
   • Ash and co. arrive to the Shalour City.
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